There's a huge collision bug where the player just gets super stuck in the floor (as well as many other bugs), that are probably worse on lower-end systems. I just don't have the time to fix them, its just a prototype sorry :(

Welcome to the sticky hand game! This is my first time using Unity and C# to make games, and this game took about 2 full days worth of work to make. This is for a school project where I had to make something in Unity, so I whipped this up really quick. There's lots of bugs, but guys let's just pretend this are hidden unexpected features! :)

Your player is a character who can launch their arm like a projectile onto surfaces, and grapple onto them with their sticky hand!


  • WASD: Move
  • SPACE: Jump
  • LEFT MOUSE: Grapple


  • Lava and pits kill the player, be warned lol
  • You can pass through water, but your hand can't
  • Momentum is your best friend :)

I may remake this with the knowledge I gained, either in Unity or PICO-8, but for right now looking at this code is giving me a headache. I'm out lol